June 2 was a blur - lets wind the clock back a bit May 31 excitement builds to the point I should have done more than count electric sheep. Head made contact with the pillow at 11pm alarm claxon went off at 5:45pm -
Left Seattle to LAX and I covered that bit earlier above.
My flight on Norweigan Airlines was terrific aboard a 787 Dream Liner - I was able to score a sweet price point on my ticket for following Norweigan Air on Social Media and especially taking part in Tweeting about my trip. Oh by the way Norweign Air gets their planes form Boeing @ Pane Field.
Left Seattle to LAX and I covered that bit earlier above.
My flight on Norweigan Airlines was terrific aboard a 787 Dream Liner - I was able to score a sweet price point on my ticket for following Norweigan Air on Social Media and especially taking part in Tweeting about my trip. Oh by the way Norweign Air gets their planes form Boeing @ Pane Field.
Plane I took:
- See hyperlinks in purple for more information on all posts.
- The airline announced new routes opening from Las Vegas and Los Angles last May and to keep the excitement going their social media campaign allowed me to get in @ $348 RT for "Priemium Class". If purchased two weeks after fights started June 2015, I could scarcely pass that price point up.
- The seating is very comfertable they are like lazy boy recliners!
- The Windows have Photochromic properties at the touch of the button forget the window shades.
- The flight crew were amazing there was a medical emergency as a person blood sugar got really low in the seat behind me 25 was the reading. A nurse and physical came from else where to stableize the passenger she is fine.
- The flight crew served a great meal mine was beef buergondy Yumm!
- The plane has light modes which cycle in the background to acclimatized one to the new time zone and to reduce jet lag.
- I dozed but did not sleep to wound up which I had anticipated so I arrived in Norway feeling quite fatigued but not jet lagged.
End Transmission:
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