Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fae House Flag #4

Here is the 4th Fae House Flag.. Counting from top to bottom large circular hoop is #1 to small circular hoop which is #2 then back to the smaller triangle which has 3 sides and is #3 then go to the inverted square which has four sides this finishes the counting sequence to the #4 hence the 4th Fae House Flag. The pole is metal and when placed into the ground the wind can catch the green maple seed allowing the seed to spin as of yet this is the first house yet to incorporate a visual cue that goes beyond the flapping movement the flag would make when the wind blows on the flag fabric.

One can click on the image to have it enlarged for a more detailed inspection.

Καλλιόπη ( Calliope ) spurred the addition of the maple seed in a dream of fantastic color and sound.


  1. I really like this one. Beautiful in its simplicity of design and the maple seed is pure genius.


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